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irstupid said:
Bullet100000 said:

This Gen has taught All three companies something Sony learned even loyal fan turn away at a $600 price tag. Microsoft learned to take time and produce reliable hardware, and for Nintendo finally deciding to go HD to capture more marketshare and not loose third party support.  I think next gen will be the real test for all three companies.


hmm that's news to me.  I don't recall a single game that Nintendo has lost from its gamecube library, they have only gained third parties.  Heck only thing that woudl have changed if HD, is that we woudl see some late HD ports with hacked on waggle. 


I'm glad that the Wii isn't HD, then we won't have that, but companies have to make a game ground up for Wii instead of just porting a waggle version.  And yes I know they did that for PS2 games for a while, but it dying down now to non existant besides games no one cares about.

"I'm glad my system's graphics look like crap next to it's competitors because that means that I'll never have to suffer through Assassin's Creed or the real version of Dead Rising or Rainbow Six Vegas... I'm so happy"

That's basicly what you're saying... I don't know about you, but that seems kind of retarded