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One thing we all agree on is that they both sell like crazy. Breaking all sort of records here and there that we just stopped being amazed.

Now, let us compare how they sell since launch,

Note that they are aligned by launch date.

The graph is 400 weeks long.


I've added PS2 for comparison since it's the best selling console ever (for now).

We could clearly see that DS is tracking higher than PS2.

And we also see that the Wii is doing even better than DS.


While PS2 sales slowly flatten, DS and Wii are actually rising.


Unless Nintendo decided to cut DS off, which is quite unlikely seeing they still haven't got DSi outside of Japan. It will very likely pass PS2 as early as 2 years time.


Wii is doing spetacular up to this point and will continue for quite sometime.

However, I predicted that it will flatten out sooner than the DS would. Why? A simple example would be.

There are 3 DSL in my household while only 1 Wii.

Being handheld and cheaper, it's much more likely that there will be more than 1 DS per household while only 1 Wii per.

That said, I think the Wii will not outself DS LTD.

Do you see the Wii could keep up with the sales to eventually pass up DS sales?