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Cool thread zleep!
Nintendo is a very conservative and predictable company (same old franchises) so I'll give this a try..

Excessively Likely
-Wii Series game (Wii)
-Pokémon game

Extremely Likely
-New Super Mario Bros. 2 (DS)
-Pikmin 3 (Wii)

Very Likely
-The Legend of Zelda - Hyrule Fishing (Wii)
-Donkey Kong, party game

-Kid Icarus (Wii)
-Brain Age (DS)

-StarFox, platformer
-Kirby, party game 

Definitely Maybe
-Duck Hunt (Wii)
-Dr. Mario

Unlikely but still possible
Fire Emblem
F-Zero (Wii)

Extremely Unlikely
-Pilotwings (Wii)

Crystal Unlikely
-Star Tropics (Wii)
-Balloon Fight (Wii)

Ruby and Sapphire Unlikely
-Popeye (Wii)
-Snake Rattle 'n' Roll (Wii)

FireRed and LeafGreen Unlikely
-Monkey Magic (DS)
-Arm Wrestling (Wii)