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CrazzyMan said:
What went wrong:
MGS4 was moved to 2008.
LBP was moved to late 2008.
FFXIII went multiplatform, and because of that will be released only in 2009/2010.
KZ2 moved to early 2009.
GT5 is set to release only in late 2009-2010.
Lack of good advertising and a lot media hate.
M$ bought every game they could.

What went good:
Yet, in same LIFETIME PS3 still is doing BETTER then x360. =)
Blu-ray won the HD video format war.
People still buying MANY 400$/€ costing PS3.
PS3 still is not hacked.
PS3 still is getting 3rd party Japan support.
There is still place for a sales spike after PRICECUT.
Still MANY GREAT AA exclusive are in developement for coming years.

I love this little lie. PS3 fanboys continue to throw it out there. FFXIII was announced for the PS3 in 2005. Three years later the game wasn't anywhere close to being ready for release. It gets announced as a multiplatform at E3 2008. Now tell me, how FFXIII has been delayed becuase of the 360 when the 360 version won't even be worked on until after the PS3 version is completed. FFXIII is late, because the PS3 architecture is a pain in the ass to work on. Take off the fanboy goggles and realize that fact.