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Bullet100000 said:
irstupid said:
Bullet100000 said:

This Gen has taught All three companies something Sony learned even loyal fan turn away at a $600 price tag. Microsoft learned to take time and produce reliable hardware, and for Nintendo finally deciding to go HD to capture more marketshare and not loose third party support.  I think next gen will be the real test for all three companies.


hmm that's news to me.  I don't recall a single game that Nintendo has lost from its gamecube library, they have only gained third parties.  Heck only thing that woudl have changed if HD, is that we woudl see some late HD ports with hacked on waggle. 


I'm glad that the Wii isn't HD, then we won't have that, but companies have to make a game ground up for Wii instead of just porting a waggle version.  And yes I know they did that for PS2 games for a while, but it dying down now to non existant besides games no one cares about.

Nintendo Gets later release dates for most third party games since developers have to spend more time on the game to make it work with motion controls and I can name tons of games that the wii does not have from third party developers.

1.Fallout 3

2.Far Cry

3.Cod 5 (later release date)

4.Prince of Persia

5.Resient Evil (lost gone Hd)

6.Tekken 6

List goes on on



I didn't say the Wii has all third parties now did I.  I said they did not loose any from the gamecube era, and only gained.  The only one I can think of is the main series Resident Evil; Resident Evil 5.  But they still got the perfect 4 edition, and some rail game and what not of the series. 


But I ain't saying they have all those games above and tons of other 3rd party games, I am saying they didn't have them in the gamecube era either.


Like if you a PS2 gamer and want to play Dragonquest above 8, because you liked it on PS2.  Or Monster Hunter 3, cause you liked 2 on PS2.  In the next generation it woudl be a safe bet to buy a PS3, but look they are not on the PS3, but Wii.  Now a gamecube owner is gonna buy a Wii expecting games that were on the Gamecube, and are now surprised and happy with the new dragonquest, monster hunter ect.   Was I a gamecube owner and now a Wii owner expecting fallout 3?  Hell no, I hadn't even heard of 1 or 2.  And they were PS2 game's (i'm assuming) so wasn't expecting to get 3 anyway.