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Every Level 5 jrpg has the same problem. The character development always sucks. People who know about these things, like myself, tell me that they've actually upped their game with the PSP game Jean'DArc(that I never played).

However, in all likelyhood those people might just be telling me what I want to hear.

I'll explain to those who really aren't familiar with Level 5 beyond their reputation.

Their best console jrpgs are Dark Cloud 2, Rogue Galaxy, and Dragonquest VIII. These games all share the same glaring flaw that keep them from being as fondly remembered. They don't just lack character development and intrigue(ala FFXII), but they simply don't try. None of those games have any real attempt at a narrative, and it's dissapointing that a company with such a grand ability to create imaginative games, refuse to give those games at least some sort of standard interesting story.

These games aren't Zelda and Mario. They can't simply be great, while missing many modern features like those other games can.

Level 5 is a great company, but frankly, they're stubborn. Put a story in your game Level 5. That's what any jrpg audience eats up. That's why Valkyria, Disgaea, and Vesperia rocked, and why Rogue Galaxy didn't.

Let's hope they pull a JeanD'Arc and add story.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.