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RolStoppable said:
makingmusic476 said:
Stever89 said:

This just in - I was present at the creation of this list, whereat Nintendo signed in blood that they would not release any games besides the ones on this list during Q1. This is it guys. Don't hold your breath...

Because we all know that Nintendo said they don't reveal information about upcoming games until a few months before release, especially now, since that could take away from sales today. Well maybe a few need a reminder:

This is a public service announcement, but may be ignored by the well informed individual:

Nintendo does NOT reveal information on games until they are only a few months from being released!

End of announcement. Continue with mindless bickering.


Also, kudos to the person that noticed it was a partial list. Wow, jeez.

You do realize that Q1 ends in only 3.5 months, right?  It's a bit late to be announcing any more games "a few months before release".  :P

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn was missing last year, but it got released on March 14th.

In NA, yes.  But are we waiting on any games to be localized at the moment?  Aside from ones that obviously won't ever make it out fo Japan, like Capt. Rainbow.