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Its not a dev slump OR a release slump. Remember that its the LAST qrt of the fiscal year, and Ninty will shuffle their schedule to make their fiscal results look good.

This gives extra space for their existing title - MK, WiiFit, WiiMusic, (etc) to keep selling - and also gives third party devs some hope of stealing the limelight until the next big wave of releases hit.

I think Ninty sniffs that Sony is up to something at the start of the next fiscal year (i.e. April '09), and is holding some cards close to their chest for that period.

Finally - Ninty could "spring a surprise" on us at anytime - it wouldn't need more than a months notice.

Just like its been for the last 2 years - their PRIMARY CONCERN at the moment is maximising production capacity (and shuffling money between US/Euro/Yen). Releasing additional (big) titles is just not on the radar at the moment.

It might suck from a "gaming" point of view - but I think Ninty is planning on having the Wii around for a LONG time - so plenty of time for big titles to hit.

Gesta Non Verba

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