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Slimebeast said:
FishyJoe said:
So if I've calculated correctly, they made a total of $97 million profit for the fiscal year. That's pretty pathetic in a year when GTAIV is released. How this company is going to make any money at all in 2009 is a mystery to me.


 It's pathetic, but then Take-Two has been infamous as money losing publisher for years despite it's high-profile franchises, hasn't it?

Actually if u assume GTA4 shipped rufly 10 million copies in Fiscal 2008, and let's say each copy made $10 net profit, the profit from GTA4 rufly equals those $97 million. That means that the rest of Take-Two at least didn't lose money, like they did in the past.

I believe they get closer to 30 dollars (but not fully that much).

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS