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zleep said:
So what are you people, Nintendo stock investors? You want Nintendo's well being but you forget about your own interests, which are gaming. I enjoy seeing Nintendo enjoy from good sales, but what are they doing with all that money? If it was for them, they could simply rely on Wii Fit + Mario Kart + Wii Music + Animal Crossing and Wii Sports Resort to keep on selling the Wii without releasing new games. Is that what you want????????


One, there are new Wii games being released. As some others already pointed, what big releases do Microsoft and Sony have for Q1? Typically that's a major slow period for game releases.

Two, good buisnesses invest profit back into their company to expand. The Balance Baord, DSi, M+ and adding of Club Nintendo to the US are a few examples.

Three, as for my own personal interests I've still got plenty of things on me I haven't finished playing. Granted I'm both a Multi-console owner and have a GameFly account. But just on the Wii alone there's a lot I want to play. There's several VC games I'd like to revist, I haven't tried any of the Artstyle Wii Wares or Toki Toki, and there's of stuff on my GameFly Que just sitting there. I haven't even got to play Wii Music much since I've been trying to get my money's worth out of the damn 3-month XBOX Live card. I haven't even tried Mario Kart Wii even though my sister owns and would lend it to me anytime.

Also I like to re-ask what big titles are on the 360's and PS3's first quarter list that provoked this thread?