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$323.4m revenue and $15m loss means $338.4m in expenses...

HOW are they spending so much money? WHAT are they spending it on??

The fourth quarter 2008 results include $9.3 million in stock-based compensation expense ($0.12 per share); $5.6 million in professional fees and expenses related to unusual legal matters ($0.07 per share); and $1.6 million in business reorganization costs ($0.02 per share). Results for the fourth quarter of 2007 included $4.8 million in stock-based compensation expense ($0.06 per share); $4.5 million in business reorganization costs ($0.06 per share); and $1.5 million in professional fees and expenses related to unusual legal matters ($0.02 per share).

This still doesn't nearly explain it. I also find it funny that the "unusual" legal matters have occured in both years.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957