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The reason Nintendo doesn't seem to have any games is because they already released all their major franchises in the last 2 years.

Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Smash, Kart, as well as some WarioWare, Battalion Wars, Paper Mario, Mario Party, Excite Truck, Strikers Charged, and Super Sluggers. All that in two years.

So all they had left was some Animal Crossing for the end of 2008. And Wii Music, but most people didn't like that.

With all those major franchises already released, it's gonna be about 2-3 years until we see sequels. To fill the gap, Nintendo is now reaching into its past franchises with Punch-Out!! and Kid Icarus coming next year. I also anticipate a couple of those secondary franchises to have a few games next year.

Nintendo already has Wii Sports Resort to show off MotionPlus (sales-wise, they don't need anything else). I don't think they would delay any games just to release it after MotionPlus.

And the reason that they haven't announced a new Zelda and Mario is that those games take a long time to make. You know Nintendo only likes to announce games when they are well into development. I'm sure the next Zelda will have MotionPlus compatibility, but the reason they're not announcing it is because the game's, you know, not done.

# of games above 75 on Metacritic (including downloadable):

360: 241     DS: 144

PS3: 152     PSP: 126

Wii: 85