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StarcraftManiac said:
yushire said:
OH and I thought Trestres comes back, about the ports whats the problem with it? I never played those games yet its a good thing for everyone that didnt played those games yet on GC. If you dont want to play thise games dont buy it, its just simple...



How the Fuck can you Nintendo fans keep making excuses for yourselves that this is a good thing instead of a Bad?! Are you guys fooling yourself or what?!... Or are you fucking serious?! I find this a FUCKING DISGRACE! The majority is seemingly taking it though! So Nintendo won't bother! They'll just keep doing this over and over again!

Hell yeah, can't wait for Mario Sunshine with which you control my old friend FLUDD with the Wiimote! Will be an awesome line-up for Christmas 09!

In other news, Take 2 loss profits even with huge revenue. You know what that means, more 3rd parties making Wii games OR ELSE... I tell this honestly, but Ninty dont care anymore. They can release Pikmin 3 in 2010 for they care and still making huge profis. Its on their plan. They already prove the Wii with their first party titles, its the third party next. If third parties dont do it, they could face the wrath of Nintendo and face the consequences of not jumping the ship, huge userbase and huge installbase.

Im not defending Nintendo here, but what can they do? They cant make 5 games a year forever simply because third parties dont want to do it. Just give Ninty a break...  


end of core gaming days prediction:


E3 2006-The beginning of the end. Wii introduced


E3 2008- Armageddon. Wii motion plus introduced. Wii Music. Reggie says Animal crossing was a core game. Massive disappointment. many Wii core gamers selling their Wii.


E3 2010- Tape runs out