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thekitchensink said:

*ignores the fact that, in addition to those being great games, third parties are stepping up to the plate next quarter, with Mad World, Sonic and the Black Knight, Onechanbara, The Conduit, and many more.


 People can keep talking their way outta this but it's SO FUCKING OBVIOUS that Nintendo is 1; Screwing with their core-fanbase or 2; cooking something up! Either for us, or for the same people that bought Brain Trainer 2 en-mass! And I hope the former instead of the latter! And yeah; MadWorld is gonna rock! The Conduit will be m3h I guess if you played CoD4 and Resistance 2 to death! But we're talking about Nintendo right now! Not the fact that there actually are, for the first time, a few 3rd-party titles that look somewhere close to AA! (And MadWorld definitely AAA!!!) = only thing I'm excited about for t3h Wii!