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ChichiriMuyo said:
Sorry, but there are some problems with all of this.

One, Nintendo doesn't win simply because MS steals customers from Sony. Nintendo has to win by creating their own customers, plain and simple. And they have, of course, so they're well on their way. Yet, I doubt I can stress enough that MS stealing a couple million of Sony's supporters is by no means enough to cripple them.

Two, some of the games you talk about Sony "losing" exclussiveness to MS either couldn't be on the system to begin with (Viva Pinata) or are too small to have mattered. Oh, and they are all brand new IPs. Sorry, but those games may have failed just as much on the PS3. Either way, it's ridiculous to even consider the possibility of brand new IPs selling a million copies in Japan alone without a shred of even theoretical evidence.

Three, if the 360 is more accessable, offers better features, and compete on level ground on the most basic matter then I've gotta ask: Why does the PS3 sell more units when priced $100 more than the 360 while not providing a superior product? That should damn well be a tip that MS isn't really putting the hurt on Sony at all.

Now you may be right. Nintendo may win. But it isn't MS's doing that will make it happen. Nintendo's good business decisions are far more influential. Sony's poor business decisions are also more influential. MS's "helping" Nintendo is a drop in the ocean.
Ok, but I said Microsotf could be "helping" nintendo. I did not say that they were doing his work.
The games were good, even famitsu gave a 38/40 or something like that to Blue Dragon. Devil May Cry can be considered a fine franchise.
I didn't say MS was winning the battle against sony, I said they gave to the people and option.


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