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Seriously; They announce their Q1 US/Europe line-up and THIS is it;

New Play Control! Mario Power Tennis™ - March
New Play Control! Pikmin™ - March

Come on!... A 2005 and a 2001 Gamecube game with tacked on Wii-controlls! Are you fooling yourself?! I hope this fails miserably and that, if your way of treating your core-group, continues like this. Your next console will be left in the desert with no sales whatsoever! And I'll be gone too! Buying a PS4 or something like that! You can start and argue with me but you have to admit; This is a fucking disgrace! A spit in the face from Nintendo to the Core-gamer that kept them aloft in the early years of the 21st century! With their purple Cube! I never, EVER turned my back on them! But this just takes it too far!... Get it together Nintendo or I, and I believe the majority of people who have been playing videogames longer then since Wii Sports and Wii Fit came out will go byebye!