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It seems as if Nintendo's Wii-development is grinding to a halt! Which seems VERY odd since it's the best-selling console EVER!

There are either 2 explanations; of which 1 can only be true!

1) Nintendo doesn't take themself seriously and just fuck it up now that they have a warehouse of greenbacks's stacked somewhere on a secret location.

2) They are cooking a bunch of brilliant stuff up for Wii to get somekind of enormous momentum-boost in mid-09! Potentially to deliver a killing blow! I hope it has something to do with WiiMote+! Also; I hope the lack of 3rd-party stuff announced is because Nintendo is keeping them from unveiling their secret titles which I hope are pretty big and support WM+... I really, REALLY hope so! In short; that there will be some big killer announcements from Nintendo and/or 3rd-parties!

If not; they are fucking it up!