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Well, you are welcome to disagree, but I think you have the message just slightly off. I think Sony's mistakes are certainly as beneficial to Nintendo as their own good choices. I just don't think MS's choices, good or bad, are as influencial in who is going to win this generation as the first two factors. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

Let's be honest here, it's Sony's mistakes that really even allow MS the opportunity to damage them to begin with. It doesn't matter how much MS bites at Sony's ankles, it's still a two horse race and those two horses are the ones that decide how this ends. Until MS finds a way to not be outsold by a more expensive machine they just aren't a big enough force here.  Really, if you've got to undercut the competitor by 30%, spend millions on exclussives, and put out several AAA titles to the competiton's 0 and you still can't beat them by more than a small margin you've got troubles.

Really, MS's meddling could be what smacks Sony into shape thereby being a factor against Nintendo winning the genration. Gotta see how it plays out, but anyway I look at it I just can't see MS as being anything but a side factor in the grand scheme and a minor influence in the eventual winner.

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