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WM+ = Wii Motion PLUS. For those that don't know what this is, here and enjoy:


So yes, it's 1:1 motion on the Wii using the Wii Remote.


This got me thinking: If Nintendo hasn't released any major games, it's for a reason. Sure, they don't need to do this, but they sure as hell aren't going to be dissapointing everyine with lausy 3rd party games. Only a few desserve great mention.

Now, when Wii Motion PLUS was announced, they said it would be a new standard. There's the answere, or aleast what I can comeup with.

First-party games are being developed by Nintendo using the Wii Motion PLUS, this is why they aren't announcing them yet. After they release Wii Sports Resorts, they'll be announcing a load of First-party-developed games. We can expect, as of now, a new Zelda game. Imagine using Link¡s sword at own will. Next up is another Mario game. What they would do with this one is beyong me, but Nintendo always seem to surprise us. This just kept me thinking on the possibilities, Star Wars games, FPS, Metroid Prime 4, Star Fox game (using the Controller sideways to control the Arwing), etc.

If you notice something, Wii Sports was bundled with the Wii and this helped not only the sales, but the gamers and developers as well. Gamers have noticed that Wii Sports helped them get used to the new control scheme (I know it helped me, this is why I'm not guesing, rather stating) and it helped developers to see the many ways the Wii Remote could get used. Wii Sports Resorts will do just that, all over again. Since it's being bundled with WM+, the game will most likely help us get used to this new 1:1 motion the WM+ brings with it. After that, developers will start using the WM+ as a new standard, meaning that future games will drop the Wii Remote without the PLUS and start using them in all their games. After all, some developers already are working with the WM+ (The Conduit will use it).

This is why I conclude that Nintendo has yet to announce new games and that when Wii Sports Resorts is released, we'll see an avalanche of new titles both from Nintendo and 3rd Party developers.

What do you guys think? Can this be the reason or the reason is simply holding off until Wii demand slows down?