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Comrade Tovya said:
kowenicki said:
300 million? Doubt it.

So when is the next gen console luanching? 2011, 2012... 2013 latest.

We are only just over a 1/4 of the way to 300m consoles sold. o we are going to see 220m sales of consoles in the next 4 years? No way.


Right, and I think due to the historical trends of each console generation, we are seeing the peaks in weekly sales right now.  The first few years of a generation is when the largest, fastest upswing happens.  I think after the holidays, we'll see a slow trend start in less sales per month than prior to that time.


Yes but this is middle cycle for the 360 but not for ps3 and wii, maybe the next year will be the peek for this gen, and this gen we have seen a market evolution like never befor, from highly expensive development to "casual gamers" joining in. I find soo wierd this gen and the fact that the japan dev industry is in detriment is so something unspected.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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