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@ Legend I'm with you on that point

Nintendo will certainly go into the new generation with alot of momentum and hype in a similar way Sony came into this gen but really it's a new battle and isn't so influenced by what happen in previous gens given the companies involved offer something apealing to the customer.

Will the Wii 2 be as succesful ? there's so many factors to consider I'm scared to answer the question.

-Will the consumer want Wii Play 2 ,Wii Fit 2 and Wii Play 2 with updated graphics & physics , from what we've learnt this gen do the new demographic care too much about HD and physics ?.

-Will Nintendo instead make more IP's to support the Wii2 ? Wii Play , Wii Sports and Wii Fit are arguably the first things you'd do with technology like the Wii , what more in terms of motion controled games does the Wii have to offer.

-Will MS and Sony simply sit back and apply the same formula they did last gen and hope the conumer tastes return back to traditional gaming ?.

-Will MS decide to obliterate competition and enter the gen with a low entry price point , strong exclusive 3rd party support a multiple SKU strategy even ? they can afford virtualy anything they want so i'm certain they will pose the greatest potential threat.

-Sony have the biggest development resources of the 3 , if a huge amount of resources where dedicated towards the newer demographics then this would most likely cause Nintendo problems , Sony are just as good if not better at producing quality 1st party titles and the number of titles they are capable of producing if they aren't high budget blockbuster games would be imense .