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outlawauron said:
Darc Requiem said:

Yeah there has been bitching on both sides of the fence. Honestly, I don't think it's 360 owners not wishing PS3 owners anything "good." I think 360 owners are just tired of PS3 fans fawning over 360 games.


Are you sure about that. I was under the impression that the Tales Studio didn't have any PS3 dev kits when they started Tales of Vesperia. Which was around 2 and half years ago. One of the reason they cited for developing the game on 360 was that they didn't want to do another PS2 game and the 360 was the only next gen system with complete development kits. I'm sure they have PS3 dev. kits at this point in time. After all, other divisions of Namco have released PS3 titles.

I find that very funny, given people have been crying for MGS 4 on 360 for over two years now.

@ Barozi

It was sacarasm. Calm down.

And lol at whoever said that Namco Bandai doesn't have dev kits to give to the Tales team.

PS3 owners have bitched about damn near every exclusive 360 JRPG. MGS4 is one game. One game which I wish people would stop posting "is it coming to 360" threads about but I've said that several times before. Take your annoyance about MGS4 and multiply about five. Right now its Star Ocean IV, before reviewers reamed it it was TLR getting released on 360 first. Before they played it and realized how average it was  Eternal Sonata. Posters still bitch about ToV not being on PS3. Fanboys even whined about IU even though its Misrosoft IP than MS was going to publish before SE picked it up. I could go on, but I dont' feel like typing a novel. I haven't even finished the RPGs and then there are the non rpgs like Ace Combat 6 that I could bring up.