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vlad321 said:

Just another point that they'd have to overcome. Multiplayer is their big one, BLizzard's games have always been top notch when they take in the multiplayer direction. They also already have and support their own MMO, the biggest one in fact, more people probably log on WoW daily than on Live or PSN. Therefore I doubt they'd be too happy with Microsoft or Sony, and Nintendo would never allow them the freedom they wanted. That is unless Blizzard starts a bidding war and sees who will bend over the farthest to kiss their ass....

 Incorrect again. Both Sony and Nintendo have allowed companies to use their own set-up for online gaming. Anything done by EA on the Wii uses a non-friend code based system and I believe Konami has a different set-up for Metal Gear Online. There are not half as many barriers to entry for Blizzard as you seem to think.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229