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Video game bonanza tipped following Kevin Rudd's handout

Herald Sun

December 17, 2008 08:03am

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd's $10.4 billion economic stimulus package for families has helped fuel a pre-Christmas video game bonanza.

The latest official sales figures covering the five weeks to December 6 show the games market is up 39 per cent on the same period last year.

Australians bought more than 130,000 Nintendo Wii, 45,700 Xbox 360 and 26,000 PS3 games machines.

Anecdotal evidence from retailers revealed the sale of new game consoles doubled in some cases the day after consumers received the Federal Government's $1000 bonus in their bank accounts.

Microsoft marketing manager Jeremy Hinton said pre-Christmas Xbox 360 sales had been given a significant boost by the government handout.

He said that on the day the federal financial fillip kicked in last Wednesday - usually a quiet day for games outlets - some shop owners made frantic calls requesting more stock after being rushed by cashed-up shoppers.

Microsoft recently lowered the Xbox 360's price to between $299 and $549 to compete with the Wii, while Sony introduced a new 80GB PS3 model in time for the Christmas season.

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