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forevercloud3000 said:


Major LOLZ!!!! You almost got me there hahaha. I was going to flame you to holy PS hell but then I read the post.

It is so true, we should all send Sony that extra 200 bucks we are saving back because it feels like robbery. Sony made a system with
-bluray technology that is way before it's time
-Cell tech, that works in the strongest supercomputers allowing more advanced games.
-built in wifi just incase i need it in the future where everything will be wireless
-wireless controllers that DONT need batteries or require I buy a seperate rechargable package.
-Games that are different from the rest and definitely stand out. MGS4, HS, R&C:TOD, Uncharted, VC, LBP, R1 and R2, MotorStorm1 and 2,SSHD, Tekken DR, Socom:Confrontations, Last Guy, Siren:BC, Disgaea 3, Folklore, GT5:Prologue, and all the MP stuff.
-free online service where the comp charges you and offers the same basic thing except with a few luxeries.

and for having a killer lineup for -09 and on...
-Uncharted 2
-Killzone 2
-Heavy Rain
-White Knight Chronicles
-Final Fantasy Versus XIII
-God of War III
-New Team ICO game
-R* Exclusive
-Demon's Soul
-Quantum Theory

And making a free gamer meeting network, Home, free TOO
Sony has lost it....


If you're being even remotely serious, in any way, then you sir are the reason that Sony fanboys take it so hard when NPD is released. I hope you realize that.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.