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Major LOLZ!!!! You almost got me there hahaha. I was going to flame you to holy PS hell but then I read the post.

It is so true, we should all send Sony that extra 200 bucks we are saving back because it feels like robbery. Sony made a system with
-bluray technology that is way before it's time
-Cell tech, that works in the strongest supercomputers allowing more advanced games.
-built in wifi just incase i need it in the future where everything will be wireless
-wireless controllers that DONT need batteries or require I buy a seperate rechargable package.
-Games that are different from the rest and definitely stand out. MGS4, HS, R&C:TOD, Uncharted, VC, LBP, R1 and R2, MotorStorm1 and 2,SSHD, Tekken DR, Socom:Confrontations, Last Guy, Siren:BC, Disgaea 3, Folklore, GT5:Prologue, and all the MP stuff.
-free online service where the comp charges you and offers the same basic thing except with a few luxeries.

and for having a killer lineup for -09 and on...
-Uncharted 2
-Killzone 2
-Heavy Rain
-White Knight Chronicles
-Final Fantasy Versus XIII
-God of War III
-New Team ICO game
-R* Exclusive
-Demon's Soul
-Quantum Theory

And making a free gamer meeting network, Home, free TOO
Sony has lost it....




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)