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Onyxmeth said:
ssj12 said:
Onyxmeth said:

So should they force their employees to do something against their own morals? Obviously the company as a whole is against this since a spokesperson said themselves they will not indulge this request. It isn't like they wouldn't serve them at all. They let them buy a cake, they will write on the cake everything but the "Adolf Hitler" part of the name, and they will either sell or give them the tools necessary to finish the job. That sounds pretty fair.

As previously mentioned, what if the request was a swear word like "Cocksucker"? Should Shoprite bite the bullet and write that on cakes too? If I should be allowed to request anything, then I should have no limits to what I can have written on a cake. What if the next request out of those folks is a pretty little blue frosting swastika above their child's name? Would you finally say "enough is enough" or should we allow them their civil liberties still? How about if it was an anniversary cake? "Happy Anniversary to Hitler's reign over Nazi Germany. Fuck you Jews!". At what point should Shoprite step in and say "no", if at all?



I think your blowing this a touch out of proportion just like the stop itself.

This store is showing hate towards a name that is probably pretty common. Adolf is a pretty big name in Germany and Hitler is probably a big name for a middle game. Just because a person's name is similar to a man in history doesnt mean that they should instantly be cast out as being the same person as the person with the same name.

It would be like going to Jerusalem and meeting someone with the name Jesus Christ than spitting in his face because your Muslim. The man might have the name of the Christian holy man but he is not the Christian holy man, he is an average guy who has the same name as the guy in the religion.

Your entire last paragraph is completely out of line because it adds nothing to the conversation but showing biased hate towards civil liberties of people.

You really believe the naming was unintentional? Adolf Hitler Campbell? Do you not see how that doesn't quite fit? The mother and father's names are Deborah and Heath Campbell. Pretty typical american names, that somehow felt to name their children after Nazi affiliations. The other daughter's middle name is Aryan Nation. Is that a common middle name too? If you want to argue civil liberties, then fine. Just don't pretend to be gullible and play these names of as innocent coincidences.

Again, maybe you are the one blowing this out of proportion. No one spat in these people's faces or disrespected them in any similar manner, so I don't see how your second paragraph is relevant. Secondly, Jesus Christ is not a name tied to a genocidal murderer, even though some of his followers ended up being them.

Can you explain in greater detail exactly why my third paragraph is out of line and showing biased hate towards civil liberties? Are you saying those cakes in my examples should have been made also?


No those cake and cake decorations shouldnt be made but the generalization of sarcasm towards the subject of civil liberties is there.

Biased hate probably shouldnt have been the term used. It probably should have been something along the lines of showing show subjective question towards a subject when it isnt needed.

But for your comment of names why not switch Jesus Christ with say a name like Osama Bin Laden Hussan. If you meet some guy with that name would it be right for you or someone else to show instant hate towards that person because of his name?

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