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Kenology said:
WiiStation360 said:
Nintendo = 1.55M
Non-Nintendo = 878k


If people do their research, Ninty sowed up "60%" of both the hardware & software markets when the Wii come out. This number basically has no changed for years - apart from the odd "edge up" or "edge down".

This figure comes to 63% - which is still within the normal range for them.


The key difference I have seen in the industry, is Sony has gone from 30% hardware/software share - to closer to 20% (esp. on software), and edging down on hardware as PS2 sales drop. MS have taken up the slack.

Last week MS has 15% of the (world) hardware market - and 21% of the software market. For the first time, MS is close to selling more 360 software than Sony does on all PSx hardware combined. Ninty had about 57% of the software market, and 64% of the hardware market.


It would be nice if we could graph market share of several of the players over time - that way you can see the "real" trends of the industry.

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