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Hmm. I'm not too familiar with the system in Canada, but if you're willing to study in the U.S. , I can give you some general advice. For starters, to get into a medical school, your high school grades won't matter too much.

What IS important is your grades in your undergraduate college, and which college you graduated from. Of course, getting into the better colleges requires good grades in high school...

Medical school is quite expensive, and to make things worse you have to pay for that bachelor's first. Don't worry though: it's an investment, one that'll pay off handsomely over time.

The stress level, from everything I've heard, is pretty intense, as there's a lot to cover and a lot of pressure to digest a ton of minute information. This is true of all the major professions, which is why substance abuse is prevalent amongst them all. Even worse, doctors have to go through their residency period, which is several years of working long hours, sometimes for days (yes, days) straight.

But don't let that scare you. Like everything else in life, you'll adjust as you go along. I don't know of any doctor or med school student who was happy with the process, but all of them got into the groove after a bit. And again, it's a long-term investment. Just make sure this is something that YOU are interested in, not something that a test has TOLD you you're interested in.

I do know a psychologist (not for that reason, though...), and I can ask him for some ideas and pointers for you, if you like.