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Bboid said:



When did I ever fucking mention MGS4 should have won more awards?  I have owned every single GTA game produced and sold on a console/handheld and I have bought multiple copies when rereleased on PC.  I love the series, it is probably my favorite series of all time, but GTA4 was garbage.  Every mission was the same, there are a large number of features missing that were established on GTA:SA, there are a number of issues with the game itself, and nearly everyone is in some form disappointed with the game and disagrees with most of the "formal" reviews given for the game.  Even the story of the game didn't flow very well (though it did start out very well).


All things aside, don't ever put words in my mouth or assume I was thinking something clearly different.  You do not know me on a personal level enough to start completing my sentences and thoughts and never will.


♫ Don't worry

Be happy ♫

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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