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PSUNews: "Blizzard Entertainment has certainly got its hands full at present, with Diablo III, Starcraft II and a little game known as World of Warcraft all conspiring to deprive the company's teams (not to mention their fans) of sleep and love lives. Not one to spare his employees a challenge, Chief Operating Officer Paul Sams has revealed that Blizzard would certainly make a game for consoles - but only if it's the "right" game.

"Our attitude is, what game will we make?" Sams told in an interview, "This is the game we want to make, so what is the appropriate platform for that game? And if the answer is PC only, then we've proven that we're comfortable with that.

"In the event that we think it should be a different platform, we'll explore that, and if the right answer is to do that for the game that we're making, we will."

According to Sams, Blizzard is in "constant" communication with Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft. "We keep in constant contact with all the console manufacturers, we have a great relationship with them. When they do their roadshows and go talk to the publishers that they work with, they always come and see us - and when we're in their areas we always go see them."

"So we have the relationships," he went on. "And believe me, they want to see us on their platforms, but we haven't had the right game for it yet. But I don't think that at any level suggests that we won't be there if the right game comes along."