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kingofwale said:
Kenology said:
kingofwale said:
Kenology said:
BMaker11 said:
This game doesn't have "Wii" or "Mario" in its was destined to fail on the Wii

Neither does "Guitar Hero" or "Resident Evil" - neither of which failed.  Go troll somewhere else!



Yes, because Guitar Hero and Resident Evil are also brand new IP exclusive for the Wii.... wait a second.


Third party exclusive title being ignored by casual audience the in absent of any Nintendo paid ads featuring "Wii would like to pay"?? Is this really shocking?

BMaker11 didn't say "brand new exclusive IP" in his original post, kingofgoalpostmoving.  He said "Mario" and "Wii", which makes Guitar Hero and Resident Evil (both of which don't feature "Wii" or "Mario" in the game or titles) fair game.

Go promote R2 or LBP or something, they could both use your help.


and yet. By mentioning "Wii" or "Mario", he guaranteed it as "Nintendo exclusive". Funny how you missed that part. ;)


selective reading? I suppose.

Only by you, dude. Honestly, I'm a tad disappointed. I give your comeback a 2/10. You've done better, man. Get back on your A-Game!