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Pharaoh said:
madskillz said:
@ Pharoah - you know why I could play GTA IV over and over again? Sometimes, I just snag a helo and cruise the city. Or get a car and race through the streets - or wait in the water and jack a boat passing by. You aren't locked into going to one location and doing just one thing. You have multiple ways to finish a mission - and it's hot on both systems. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't GTA IV the first 5 million seller on PS3? It leads the rest of the software, right? COD4 is the second behind it and it's not even close.

You can say it wasn't game or the year, but it still won. And it deserved it. Sorry if you are sore, but the game won, leads in sales on the PS3 and still has hatred. Wow.


Yeah but it wasn't an improvement over its predecessor it was a downgrade.  Why didn't you just go play San Andreas, where you could acutally BUY property, gamble, earn money through businesses, etc. etc..  Gears 2 was an improvement in everyway over the original, its online play is fantastic. 

It seems to me you just like sandbox games,  "You aren't locked into going to one location and doing just one thing".  MGS4's gameplay doesn't lock you into doing the mission a certain way, you can do it through stealth and patience or guns blazing in certain situations.  Huge mech fight, awesome boss fights that you have to actually think.

Come on man, seriously?  GTA 4? It didn't win game of the year on either platform.

I had a blast with San Andreas - and I enjoyed the Harrier, Learjets and the vastness of it and I enjoyed GTA IV just as much. Why? It's still fun - and classic R*. So what I don't have parachutes, airplanes, tanks and the like - Nazatips had a laundry list of things that got left out - but my question is - so what. Over 11M folks bought the game. It's one of the highest rated games on metacritic - and has a very loyal following. My heavens - no other game on an HD console gives you so many options. Don't want to work for one boss - go across town or go to the GTA Internet and find work - get a date or whatever.

Open sandbox? I absolutely love it. Linear sucks. Life isn't linear - you have choices. That is why I haven't been disappointed with GTA since GTA III when I became a fan. Maybe I'm just biased, but when I picked the title up, I viewed it critically - and didn't see many flaws with it. Instead of seeing what was left out of it, I was like 'What other game offers me this much to do?'

GTA is the reason EA doesn't have T2. GTA is one of the few games where I can cruise and never do one single mission and still have a blast.

Gears 2 is awesome - I think it's a sweet game - but if I didn't have to finish up some reviews and had more time, I'd still be playing GTA IV.