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so i know the deadline was well, today and its 3:30 but i happen to come across this site and read what you guys were doing and thought it was really cool. i completely understand if you cant/dont want me to join in on this due to my lack of post, heck i just made this a minute ago to a least try...... just in case i am lucky enough to join... here is my info

Wii Number: 8835 6015 0042 5904

Country: USA

Controllers: wii, nunchuck, classic controller and gamecube

Games i already have:

Donkey Kong Country,
Donkey Kong Country 2 Diddy Kong's Quest
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the past
Contra 3: The Alien Wars
Sonic 3 ( wish i wouldn't have i have the collection now)
Yoshis island ( Regret this one alot too 1000 points, i thought it was SMW 2: Yoshi island, but i failed bad)
Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of time
Super mario bros 3..

normally i wouldn't even begin to put a wishlist....but iv always been a huge fan of Mario RPG legend of the 7 of my all time favorites so Santa if at all possible i would LOVE that. =)

Again thanks even for taking the time to read this post.. and would love to join in on the christmas joy... that is if you guys would have me.