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Riachu said:
noname2200 said:

I guess I did overstate my case a bit. I retract that. Still, I maintain that the genre's popularity on internet forums is very disproportionate to its popularity at retail. Enough JRPGs do well enough out here, but the only really big one has been Final Fantasy, even on the PlayStation and PS2.

Would you agree that that's more accurate?


I can pretty much guarantee that SO4 and WKC will be the first million selling JRPGs.  The former because SO3 sold over a million copies and the latter just because of the buzz surrounding the game.  Just hope that they don't get released in the West too close to each other.  If atleast one of them sell a million copies, then I get to gloat.

You can...if they sell a million in the West (gotta stick to my thesis ).

I'm confident that won't be the case. Wanna make this more interesting, though?