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Why bother comapring to PS1/N64 gen? It has the worst graphics (in hindsight) ever, but that was not the importance of that gen. It was the giant leap towards 3D gaming. The step from PS2 - PS3 is very minor in comparisson.

Personally what turns me off this gen is the downright horrible coding. I'm playing Lost Odyssey right now and technically it's horrendous. I love the story/gameplay and the graphics but even installed on the HDD the load times are unexeptable. And there are many games like that. Stable 30fps seems like a real achievement on the HD consoles. EVERY game I played on 360 so far had a patch. And PS3 is the same story. I really don't get why devs are so focussed on the graphics that the technical performance seems like a 2nd or 3rd thought.