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c0rd said:
Munkeh111 said:
xerostomia said:
I know we are talking exclusives here, but the 'killer app' does not have to be exclusive. CoD6 (Modern combat 2) will come out likely Novemeber, Assassins Creed 2 (supposed to be timed exclusive to Xbox), Bioshock 2, FFXIII, Resident Evil, will all be multi million sellers on the Xbox. This will be on top of Mass Effect 2, likely Forza 3 (will comeout before GT), Halo:OSDT, Halo Wars, Allen Wake, Madden 10, etc, etc, etc.

There will be plenty of great games next year, and I have faith that there will be at least 2-3 great titles (like Left 4 Dead) that will come out (maybe Orange Box 2?).

Says who? There is no chance of it being a 360 exclusive, it sold about 3m on PS3 as well and Ubi do like their money!

Anyway, the "killer app" does have to be exclusive, because that game is also attracting people onto the other platform, and when Sony have GT 5, they might lean towards PS3, as Forza cannot compare with GT

Actually, it doesn't.

Recall one of the main strengths of the 360: its pricetag. The more alike the PS3 and 360 are, the worse it is for the PS3. If all people care for are multiplats (FFXIII, CoD, Madden, PES, etc), then it's a tougher buy for the expensive console.

Also, don't forget about the Wii's existance. It doesn't receive (or has lesser versions of) most of the top HD games.

edit: I suppose it depends how we define a "killer app." If it has to be on the level of Halo 3 / GeoW, multiplats won't quite get there... but neither has any PS3 game besides MGS4.

I meant major system seller, and you are right about that. I did consider whether you could count the price tag as the killer app, but that does not really answer the question, so I stayed clear of it. And of course the price situation should be different next year (if sony want to sell consoles!) so it might not be as much of a factor next christmas as it is this christmas