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Undying said:
Riachu said:
outlawauron said:
Undying said:
outlawauron said:
Undying said:
JRPGs should not, and i repeat SHOULD NOT, have "social networking".

Why not? You don't like talking to your friends and planning attacks while you quest?



I asked why. I don't understand why anyone would just reject the idea of playing a JRPG with your friends. Nearly every Tales game has this same feature, just offline.

He's just afraid of change.  These people always complain that JRPGs don't change.  When they do, are they happy? No, they complain some more.  I personally find pretty much every decision choice for WKC ranging from the battle system only using the X button to having an online mode to be pretty smart choices.


As much as Obama would lead you to believe, change is not always good.


JRPGs are not MMOs, they are meant to be solo experiances. This concept of friends joining you and playing with you in a JRPG is disgusting. It barly worked in The tales games. In those game one person moves the game along while the other assumes the role of an NPC in battle.


I've presented my case and i do not much care to argue it with you guys. I'm sure WKC will have a wonderful single player campaign...too bad that they are wasting energy and resources on an asinine gimmick such as social networking.


There we go! That's the real answer. You'd rather they not spend time on multiplayer.

And I think Obama is an idiot, so try to use that argument against me.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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