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Did this thread have a point?

Gameboy Color is the same as and different than Gameboy.
GB/GBC are generally treated as one in the same because of the evolutionary nature of the change, even though it is true that GBC only carts would not work on the GB (GB includes pocket and light models).

GBA includes SP and Micro -- which are just hardware variations. It is not considered part of the GB/GBC family, although both the GBA and SP can play almost all the older carts.

DS is a new animal completely and DSL is a hardware revision. Both DS and DSL play GBA carts. DSi is an evolutionary change and is being treated like the move from GB to GBC by most people. DS software will play in both; special DSi software and DS-ware will only work on the DSi units.

Still, I am not sure why this thread was created. There are a lot of times that I just don't get what certain things are about (or what certain people are trying to say).

Mike from Morgantown


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