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1. I agree with him here. I think Sony saw that most people that got the original Xbox were mostly obsessed with graphics, and Sony thought that by assuring the best graphics this gen they could steal MS market. Sadley publishers are not going to allow developers to take full adavantage of the system if it means the 360 version can not obtain the same levels of fedelity. Like he says, in time the tables may turn, but it will probably be to late by then. That is whay it is highly important that the PS4 benifits from the same style of achitectur as the PS3 allowing devs to jump into the next gen with a ton of knowledge on programming for the system.

2. I slightly disagree with the author on this subject. The mainstream is ready for an all in one media device, and they are willing to pay the price for it. But as he metioned, the idea that these are game only devices is still stuck in most peoples heads. This really comes down to Sony selling the PS3 to cheap to begin with, and therefore not being able to push the PS3 as hard as it should have been pushed. I strongly believe the PS3 would have sold more units to this point had Sony added 512MB of RAM, and launched at $999.

3. This is not a wrong way to go at all. The only issue with this is getting casual gamers to uderstand gaming is not just killing. Nintendo has done a great job getting people into non games that have names which make them sound like something people are interested in. All Sony and Microsoft have to do is show people that games can tell better stories than movies, and you get to be in the experiaance. Uncharted is a game that many game hating adults find very interesting once they take the time to relize it has a very good story, and charictors they can get attatched to.

4. On this subject he is absolutly wrong. Blu-ray in the PS3 was an absolute must, and winning the HD format war was one of the biggest accomplishments in Sonys history.

5. On this subject he just flat out pisses me off. The idea that Sony has no exclusives is so (enter you own expicit here) stupid I want to shove peoples heads in the pool of exclusives they own, and then have them say it again. As far as high quality big name exclusives go Sony is unmatched. Listing them off again is just getting old, and everyone knows that they have games.

4 and 5 Together. The combination of Blu-ray and the largest in house development team on the planet is the best thing the PS3 has going for it. Games like Uncharted, Ratchet and Clanck, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Little Big Planet have already showed why having the format for games is a must. As we move along it is only getting more and more obvious that DVD is just to small, and 3rd parties have been getting more and more scared about the limitations. Next year Sony is going to push the PS3 to places that are not possibel unless the extra space on the BRD is used, and at that point it is up to the publishers whether they want to allow the developers to use their abilities to the fullest. With a usrbase of 20M and growing PS3 is not a pot that you want to pull your money out of, and I fully expect most games to be mulitdisc on the 360 by 2010.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams