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Jet Grind Radio. No matter how many times it's mentioned, it can always be mentioned some more.

I don't think I noticed Bangai-O mentioned anywhere, that game's pretty sweet. I also have a soft spot for Tech Romancer and Cannon Spike. There are loads of good 2D fighting games, such as Last Blade 2, the Vs. series(es), SFIII, Fatal Fury and so on. Tons of shmups, too, if you're into that sort of thing (Gigawing, Mars Matrix, Gunbird). The most insane game ever, Illbleed. Zombie Revenge (boollets!).

And let's not forget the best game of all time, The Typing of the Dead! MWAHAHAHAHA

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.