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"With all the craziness that's going on in the typical Killzone 2 screen, Mathijs and Steven don't expect you to notice what's going on with the 500 different light sources around the level -- and that's a good thing. You're supposed to be caught up in the seamless experience. But with the game paused, Steven clicks off the cross-processing filters and harsh sunlight floods the once dark arena. Parts of Killzone 2 are extremely dark and hard to see in, and that's on purpose. Guerrilla is trying to change the feeling of environments through light or the lack thereof."

Well, sounds like the graphical effects are nice, but the gameplay is what's important. Let's take a look, shall we?

"After the detailed breakdown was over, Mathijs surrendered the controller to IGN. This game plays well. From the moment we picked it up and began using it's double analog control scheme, everything felt natural. We blew away some guards, hurled a few grenades and tried out the brand new jump function. Jumping was left out of the original game in an effort to keep it based in reality, but even here it's being grounded -- you can't fire while in the air and can oly leap over small obstacles."

Oh IGN, you are such connoisseurs. For every fanboy who's ever said, "You can't spell Ignorant with IGN", they just gave you something to be happy about. It seems like Killzone 2 will not only be quite impressive graphically, with 780p graphics and 30 frames per second, but it will also boast detailed and atmospheric gameplay. And no, that was not from IGN.

Screenshots will be put here:



Sorry, while editing my post, I accidently tripled posted.