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RolStoppable said:
If the PS3 goes down, it's going to take a lot of the 360 3rd party support with it, so the 360's end will be near as well. Could be interesting.


 I don't see that.  There will still be 25-30m PS3's out there as well as 40m (and growing) 360s by that point.  Developer's will merely continue to make for both systems.   The HD systems are still much better than the comparitively small 20-24m user bases of the GC & Xbox and they saw support (limited granted).   360 won't lose support and PS3 will still be well supported because it's just a port of 360 games but support will dwindle away over time as 360 gets more and more exclusives and PS3 owners buy 360s.

The only reason 360 would end is because MS says 'We've succeeded in keeping Sony from dominating the living rooms of the world, time to stop losing money in this industry.' (although they are now posting profits).