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GianCarmen said:
Look I have been a Nintendo fan since the late 1980's, and I dont care much for the sony PS3. But hearing all this doom and gloom is kind of a stretch. Sony is not going anywhere for a while and the PS3 will still be here in 2009. It sounds like everyone is saying that it is the end of the line for the PS3 should just stop. They can still compete and I am sure that they will be around for a long time. The playstation brand is still strong, maybe they will be third this generation but they can still suceed.


People said the same thing about Nintendo last gen and look where they are now. The problem for Sony is after two years on the market, the PS3 is still more than the Xbox 360 was at lauch. When you add in the fact that the $200 360 will do 90% of the things the PS3 can and has (arguably) a better gaming experience, I'm frankly amazed the PS3 is selling 400000 units/week in this economy. Next gen, they will have learned their lesson, PSN/Home will have caught up (or nearly caught up) to XBL, and they won't have Kutaragi's ghost haunting them every step of the way. I doubt they'll be in first place next gen, but they'll have a hell of a better time of it than this gen.


Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it