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BMaker11 said:
c0rd said:
Soriku said:
BMaker11 said:
If it goes Wii exclusive, I will bomb SE. What do Nintendo fans know about HALF of Nomura's work? They don't know about FFVII, VIII, IX, X, and X-2, which is where all the cameos come from, and the story itsself...well they just know nothing

Haha, perfect facepalm timing... first time I laughed at the Picard one in a while

@BMaker / Smashed: Not all people that played KH were Sony fanboys, you know. Most people are simply gamers, and they likely bought the Wii or 360 this generation. Why do you think FFXIII is going to the 360? Take a look at DMC4's sales, it looks like more 360 users in the west know about the DMC franchise than PS3 users do (the one that was exclusive to PS before).

That has to be a joke. With over 30 million people in possession of the console, the likes of Zack and Wiki and NMH should have sold way more if these people are "gamers". COD4 can't even break a 200k on the Wii, yet it has sold gangbusters on the PS360. So much for "gamers". Everytime a game essentially fails on the Wii, I always see the argument of "well it's a niche title"...well, so many "niche" games sell millions on the HD consoles...why should KH be any different?

And didn't DMC4 sell more on the PS3?

Edit: And isn't FFXIII exclusive in Japan along with FFVXIII being completely exclusive?



Ok, I agree that it's not a clear case where KH3 ends up.

But what you're saying is pathetic, really. I really wonder if you really still believe these Wii memes.

  1. NPD did a reacearch which showed that a hefty 71% of Wii owners also own a PS2. So a lot of Wii owner DO know stuff about Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts.
  2. Sales for LBP and Valkyria show that the PS3 userbase is very different from the PS2 userbase
  3. No More Heroes is Suda's best sold game EVER. The Resident Evil games sold very well. Shaun White sells best on Wii. 5 million people bought Zelda (imo a userbase that would enjoy KH) etc. Face it: your description of Wii's userbase is only valid for a small part of that userbase.
  4. Shooters indeed don't sell very well on Wii. But since when is KH3 a shooter?
  5. Best sold JRPGs so far in Japan: Dragon Quest Swords and Symphonia 2. Both Spin-offs that sold more than the real thing from Square or Tales main series
  6. Disney does appeal to Wii owners.

We'll see where KH3 ends up, but stop with these stupid memes that have been proven falls time and time again and basically become more pathetic with every new sales list.