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ok, I'm not on my ps3 anymore and I spent more time with home.... and I got to say....

Before it launched I was very skeptical about it. I was actually not even gonna give it the chance. I don't see a point to the thing.

When I loaded it up it didn't take anywhere near as long as some were saying. I have 710kps speed. The slowest DSL someone can get (10 dollars a month). I didn't wait long for the mall, theatre, or bowling alley to DL. The Bowling Alley was the longest and the theatre was the fastest.

Character creating.... Not enough options yeah you can morph your face (and I made a heroine junkie looking guy with big dopey ears and no nose) But I wanted more facial hair and clothes.... but why would they do that? Microtransactions. I did have fun with the joke avatar and laughed really hard while doing it, but that didn't last long.

After I went into my space I took everything away RIGHT away. It looked real sterile. I wish they gave you a basic picture frame and a basic rug with the space. I saw no real potential to make my space any better so my room is completely empty. I would have fixed it up a little if I had some options.

I walked around the outside part looking for something to do. The dance thing was interesting... but for the most part the bubble pop game was the only thing worth doing outside and I didn't have framerate issues.... I found it pretty boring. Then I went to the theatre... wow left right away. It was taking forever for the video to load and there was nothing to do. Then I went to the mall... I looked in the stores. I would have bought some furniture but for 5 dollars for something I might not keep using... no thanks. If it was like 5 dollars for a furniture set I might have done it. I talked to people while playing chess. (don't know why chess is in the mall and not outside. Most stone chess tables I see like that are in parks) It was pretty fun. I liked chess. I suck at the game but it's okay I was 2 for 2. After that I left and went to the bowling alley. all the pool tables were taken so I played arcade games. I tried echochrome but i saw how slow it was moving and went to ice breaker. That moved much faster so I played it. That game is pretty sweet, but the train game was fucking awesome. thats what to the most of my time. I played 2 games of bowling... it was boring. Lack of people with mic and no friends... could have been better. A pool table opened up and I played with someone with a mic. It was much better than bowling. I won in pool too.

I didn't make it to Uncharted or Farcry rooms.

I didn't have problems with immature people. Most immature person I saw where people sitting in a circle talking about smoking a bong outside and some people going "Wanna fight about it? I'm bigger than you. Watch this /dance You just got served" They had a mic. But mute button fixes that.

Bottom line - better than I expected but I have no incentive to keep going back. I'll give it some more shots though. (chess will probablly take up most of my time)

EDIT: CONNECTION PROBLEMS - I had a problem trying to connect at 5pm CST my very first time connecting but i had to leave anyways to go to the mall with my mom and pick something out for christmas. We got back at around 7pm and we watched the first half of the Bears game and she went to bed so I tried goin on home. I did get the time out error but I tried again and connected. It wasnt that big of a deal... Most people talking bad about this are over exaggerating on the issues.