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Groucho said:
dhummel said:
Groucho said:

The GameCube was my fav console of the last gen. Sure I liked the PS2's software library way better. The the GameCube hardware (and controller) was much more pleasing to use.

Its kinda the same way for me this gen. I like using the PS3 the most... but I still think my PS2's software library is the best lol.

In any case, in the "highly improbable" case that Sony is making money on the $400 PS3s (remember they are a brand new hardware revision since august or so, with all 65nm components), I think a lot of these "bad business" articles may look pretty stupid, come the next financial quarter. MS's games division may appear to be bleeding profusely compared to Sony's -- and stockholders buying Sony stock (after recent economic events) is *exactly* what Sony needs right now.

Its no wonder they haven't made any price cuts. If they did -- they would gain marketshare over the holidays, only to have their stock plummet to new lows come next quarter. That would suck for anyone who wants their PS3 to have a decent library someday. Sony has two options right now:

(A) Gain some marketshare in the short-term, and fall off a financial cliff in the near future.
(B) Lose some marketshare in the short-term, be financially stable for the near future, during rough economic times when stockholders are exceptionally "nervous".

They've chosen (B), and I agree completely with that choice.  MS has the same options, really -- except they chose (A), because MS has a stable enough foundation to not be totally screwed by some games division losses next Q.

Are you the same person I talked to last week? This argument is so pathetic. I have never seen people so desperate as to claim a company actually wants their marketshare to shrink. Its like the Sony execs gather in a room and someone stands up and says, "I have bad news everyone, we actually sold 370k consoles in November." The room bursts into rage, "G%d &*(^it! Who the ^&%$ is buying our console?!?! We don't want market share! If only we could find a way to sell negative amounts of PS3s!!!"

While this is a dramatization, this is what I see in your argument. It is simplistic rationalization. You think these articles spamming the net now don;t make stockholders "nervous"? Ugh, its useless to reason with diehard Sonyphiles.


Sony doesn't want their marketshare to shrink.  Where did I say that?  They want to be in the black.  They've said that countless times recently.

I'm not "arguing" anything.  You're making an issue out of nothing.  I'm merely stating that Sony probably made this decision to live up to their "in the black" promises to stockholders.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a price cut, while it would gain them marketshare, would not put them in the black.

Given their situation, Sony is doing fine.  If you disagree, try to come up with some reasoning, instead of spouting hatred and BS.  Logic works so much better.

Since you've got it all figured out... what would you do, in Sony's shoes?  How about if you were MS?

I would have chosen exactly what they both have done.  Neither company has made any sort of grievous error, and I'll maintain that, no matter their next quarter financials look like -- because I strongly suspect that I'm correct.

So much time and effort would be saved if you would be clear and concise. You explictly stated that Sony chose your option (B) which, if you don't want to scroll up and read it states:

"Lose some marketshare in the short-term, be financially stable for the near future, during rough economic times when stockholders are exceptionally "nervous"."

So to answer your question of "Where did I say that?", well, there.

You then state that MS has chosen your option A, which states:

"Gain some marketshare in the short-term, and fall off a financial cliff in the near future."

I bolded the ending phrase because then your most recent post you state that:

"I would have chosen exactly what they both have done."

Really? Your option that places MS as falling off of a financial cliff is the course you would have taken as well? Glad to hear it, but that makes absolutely no sense. You are arguing because you are placing value judgments in the 2 outcomes you mention each company has taken, believing MS's plan will lead them to ruin (though you again contradict yourself in your most recent post) and that Sony has chosen the wiser path for their company, which again is a path that begins with the strategy to "lose some market share," which is where my earlier post focused on. I will not repeat the points in that post, except to say that losing marketshare has never looked good for investors (another point of mine you failed to adddress).

Sony is not doing "fine" becuase they are hemorraging money as a company and losing market share in their gaming division. You're telling me that I'm spouting BS? Laughable. There is no notable analyst and no notable stock holder or investor coming to Sony's defense. I think the onus is on you to show how the current downturn in market share, the job layoffs, and crappy sales of well-received PS3 exclusives have been fitting into Sony's grander scheme. I look foward to that entartaining read.

Honestly, if I was Sony I would pack it up and reload for gen 8 if substantial gains are not made after KZ2's release. Another option thrown around in here has been for Sony to sell off some of their more premium studios for liquidity to fund an immediate price cut. Being a PS3 owner I don't want to say this, but the way things are going I question the viability of the PS brand in the home console market if Sony goes belly up from the PS3. Let the Wii generation pass and start on equal footing next round. On the opposite end I would do what Microsoft has done and I do not subscribe to your claim that they will fall off of a financial cliff.

Honestly, I wouldn't have had to type any of this if you would think things through for yourself. I'm sure you're smart enough.