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Soriku said:

That was awesome :) Versus one was better! But these games are going to take forever to get out still. For the Western release they stil have to do the 360 port...and localize it (SE takes forever to localize) and I bet Versus will come out after FF XIII. I mean these trailers are great...but these games are just taking WAY too long.

Also, was the entire Versus trailer CGI? More specifically talking about the endingish part where Noxus walks up those stairs and sees Stella. If so, I have a bone to pick with Jo21...


To be completely honest, the moment that scene came up I thought it was in-game. To me it immediately looked different, I thought even more so the moment it zoomed in on the steps.

There were times I thought this in the FFXIII trailer.

They may not have gameplay, but both of them did have in-game cutscene footage I think.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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