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BTFeather55 said:
megaman79 said:
Even in 2006 Wii Sports wasn't rated the best game by all sites. How can a game that constantly brings people back to it time and time again not be the best game of the year.

A game that sells in the top 5 in all regions for over 6 months should qualify, irrelevent of what peoples definition is of a game, and it shames me to think that it shouldn't just because its not what you define as a game. Thats kinda stupid, ignorant and thoughtless if u ask me.


That's the kind of thinking that leads uneducated people to think that because something is popular that means it is great which is very seldom the case in any artistic medium. Music -- you might think New Kids on the Block was some great band because their albums sold so well, but no Tom Waits was the best musician on earth back then, before then, and pretty much still to this day. You might think Twilight is a great vampire movie because it was so popular and was the number one movie in America a few week ago, and it might have been alright; but the best vampire movie released in 2008 is a little Swedish film called Let Light In which will proabably never be as popular as Twilight.

When judging artistic works only in very rare occassions can the case be made that the most popular works (The Lord of the Rings and The Dark Knight in most recent memory where movies are concerned) are also the best works.

Ok, b4 we start this, my fav. film is 2001 and kubrick, hitckcock and scorcese were robbed (the latter coz it took so long 2 get an oscar)

But what your saying is that 1 game that has generated so much interest and popularity and is certainly the most unique experience, doesn't deserve to be called the best of the year. Why not?

If you look at my other comments what i have suddenly come to terms with is that in reality Miyamoto has embarressed us all with his diverse and unique variation in videogames yet again this year. He started this with Wii Sports and, unlike hollywood and that predictable analogy of bad movies sell thing they always say, to me it seems Wii Fit is anything but.

Yes its different, yes its labelled as something that isn't a game. As i write this im smirking due to that classic misunderstood artistic genious label, not that he isn't appreciated, but that he isn't acknowledged the way he probably should be for going against the grain.

That is a true artist, that should be the game of the year. Irrelevent how much money it makes.


“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.