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Metal Gear Solid 4 should get game of the year hands down. It also provides an out for reviewers who gave GTA 4 a 10 (since most of them gave MGS4 a 10 too and even said things like "can I give it an 11?" like on IGN).

I'll admit GTA4 was flawed to an extent. Really if they had just toned down the friend thing (where they call you ALL the time so you can't get a damn thing done) it would have been 5x better. I will also admit I was enthralled by MGS4 while I still haven't quite finished GTA4.

The only other game that deserves a title shot is Fallout 3, but that is a bit idiosyncratic for GOTY. Maybe Little Big Planet for GOTY but that is even more of a darkhorse then Fallout 3.

If I had to bet my money would be on MGS4. It was just an amazing finish to my favorite video game series of all time.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me